Welcome to Superbloom, a monthly comedy show at Baby Battista at Nico’s hosted by Andrew Johnston & Babs Gray. We promise to have something special and unique for you every week!
Tashi Condelee
Adam Conover
Cameron Esposito
Joe Rumrill
Daniel Webb
Event Details
Doors are at 7:20pm and we suggest that you come early and secure a drink, have a bite and grab your seat for the 7:30pm show. Tickets are just $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Baby Battista opens at 5pm.
For the latest information on Superbloom, check out https://www.instagram.com/superbloomshow.
*Lineup subject to change, no refunds*
The team behind Superbloom:
Produced by Drunkalogue (Ryan Price & Janet Quinonez). We also produce Tasting Menu and Mixtape.
All items are non-refundable, all sales are final. In the case of cancellation, funds will be reimbursed. Lineup is subject to change. All guests must be the age of 21 years or older to enter Baby Battista, the downstairs bar at Nico's LA, and to attend a show there - no exceptions. There is no outside food or beverage allowed. In purchasing a ticket, I opt in to receiving emails from nico's or the show about future shows and programming.
Baby Battista is ADA accessible and has Assisted Listening Devices available upon request. Please contact us at [email protected] if any questions about accessibility or if any other info we can provide.